Tuesday, August 14, 2007


(But without the exploding heads.)

Well, Andrea braved a variety of strange tortures today and, rather than a lousy t-shirt, we now have additional ultrasound images:

Unfortunately, as you can see, my scan of the scan came out rather poorly. I suppose that's appropriate, however, as the theme of the morning (and afternoon, for Andi) was imaging difficulty.

Although this image doesn't really convey what we saw, it was really, actually, quite amazing to see functional organs, limbs, and activity. Quite astonishing, and very thrilling, for we newbies. It is, indeed, a tiny human being.

Until we get better images, I managed to commission this artist's concept sketch of how the kid/spud/baby/lump/Kwisatz Haderach/whoever-s/he-is might appear later in life, based on the early images. I think the kid takes after my side of the family:

(Unfortunately, I couldn't get the same guy that helped me with Julie's boyfriend's picture, but this is still pretty good. I can't wait to show it to her when she's a 16-year-old post-neo-goth: "You think you're gloomy and macabre now? When you were 13 weeks old, your head looked like a frickin' skull and you drank blood all day!")

In other news, today was my second day at the NIEHS library, which is part of my EPA rotation. It's pretty cool so far -- More on that scene, later.