Saturday, January 26, 2008


My new phone came on Thursday! Woo-hoo!

...What? Did you think I meant something else? Weird.

Anyway, it's not the latest or greatest, but the Blackberry Pearl is a definite step up from my old phone. And the $99 price point hit the mark just right. And, more importantly, we finally bit the bullet on an unlimited data plan, so I can email and whatnot without guilt. Unfortunately, the Pearl doesn't have a wifi card, so it's a bit limited, but it's still better than smoke signals.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Book Repair Workshop

I spent today in Greenville, NC (about 2 hours NE of home) at a Book Repair Workshop. Pretty fun stuff. Not exactly "real" conservator work, but still very useful knowledge for weirdos of my ilk.

To give you an idea of what I was doing, this was one of my play books. I removed the spine, tore several pages, removed a chunk of the text block, simulated a stain, ripped the end papers, and hurled a few curses at it that I learned from the gap-toothed carnie who runs the Zipper ride at the Midco Traveling Fun Show.

Then, I put it all back together and did my best to make the book suitable for lending and reading. Like I said: Fun stuff.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

FFFFOUND! is a very nice little image sourcepile:

"FFFFOUND! is a web service that not only allows the users to post and share their favorite images found on the web, but also dynamically recommends each user's tastes and interests for an inspirational image-bookmarking experience!!"

Really good stuff. My friend "I the Rockfall Hobbit" would love it. He'd even learn about it if he were to ever check my blog. *sniff*

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A couple more Daisys, too

The Artist's Pain

Not that any of you normal people would understand, but the weight of artistic virtuosity can be a tough burden to bear... Woe is me! Still, for the sake of the masses, I soldier on. Here, then, are Xander and Cordeila, as requested by Lady D.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Saw the big monster movie last night: It was pretty good, I thought. Not very scary or thrilling, but I still enjoyed it. I apologize in advance, but I just can't resist spoiling the monster for you (scroll down a bit for the image):

Oh, wait. What do you mean, "The new movie is called Cloverfield?" What the heck did I watch last night?

(BTW: I lifted this image directly from

LoC / Flickr Tagging Project

You've probably already seen this, but I still wanted to mention it, as I think it's kind of interesting. The Library of Congress has put thousands of their images on Flickr, asking for help in meta-tagging them with labels. Sort of a cool little project to help build the public information trust.

They explain the process on their blog:

The Flickr page is here:

Breaking News (thanks to KJS from SILS)!

Friday, January 18, 2008

I'd better not quit my day job...

If only there was an artist in the family, who could offer technique advice (*cough* SQ *cough*)...

In any event, Mom asked for some Daisy drawings. These are the results, which sort of lack the mind-blowing artistic mastery that was on display in my last post of this kind.

I imagine that the other prodigies who work in the Sharpie-and-copier paper medium also have off days. I will say, though, that there's something Warholian about the juxtaposition of the inverted images (a technique I'm developing that I like to call: "Neoreversemonochromoreimaginationalization," or "How to get that 'Black Dog' effect without huffing marker fumes").

Monday, January 14, 2008

Required Reading for the Wallace Household

Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?

Dwight (still our placeholder name) will be asking this question long before he wonders about anything silly like, "Why is the sky blue?" or "Why are my pants stinky?"

Friday, January 11, 2008


By the way, my friend and Local Comic Book shop guy, Jon, was quoted in USA Today this week , weighing in on the wacky new Spider-man storyline that's going on right now (in a nutshell, editorial has decided to change a significant part of the Spider-man backstory, resulting in huge changes to the character and his place in the Marvel Universe. The decision also erased the last few years of writer J. Michael "Babylon 5" Straczynski's work as the primary author of the Spider-man books):


The ____ at _____ went well. I think that I gave a reasonable account of my abilities and it's entirely out of my hands. All in all, it was a good experience -- nice people, a great environment -- and my fingers are crossed.

I still have a hard time believing that the local mountains are on the east side of Albuquerque, though. They really ought to move them to a more Boulder-analogous location, just for my peace of mind. I wonder if I should write a letter to the Mayor or something?

*So, we all know that the interweb provides all sorts of interesting access to information, including blogs like this one which have no membership, restricted access, or editorial purpose. One of the implications of this fact is that potential employers, current employers, bitter Halo opponents, Duke fans, and other people could easily track down -- or just stumble upon -- anything that I write here. On the one hand, I don't really care too much, but I also recognize that I should tread with at least a modicum of self-awareness. You'll notice that I try to avoid using the full names of Friends and Family (with my immediate circle being the exception), and I also want to be a little careful with things like reports about interviews that still have pending results. Both of you might be able to penetrate some of my occasional codes, as well (for example, you might know that, say, "The Newmiversity of Mex Unico" might stand for... Well, I won't ruin the fun for you if you want to puzzle that one out.)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Take THAT, Alternating Current!

I have always been fascinated by Tesla and, by associative extension, the ol' Wizard of Menlo Park (I saw a nice exhibit of Edison stuff at a museum in Albany a few years back that really stuck in my mind -- I couldn't get past the feeling that Thomas Edison's legendary productivity persisted in spite of, not because of, his famous claims about not needing sleep). Which reminds me, tangentially, it is fricking ridiculous that I have neither read The Prestige, nor seen the movie which it inspired.

Anyway, here's an amazing little piece (with a movie and links) from Wired yesterday:

Jan. 4, 1903: Edison Fries an Elephant to Prove His Point