Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Sadly, our family lost Duncan today. He had been behaving strangely and, in a rapid succession of events, we took him in to the vet, discovered that he was suffering from Feline Leukemia Virus, and -- ultimately -- made the tough decision to help ease him off of his very difficult path. I don't really have any poetry in me at the moment; suffice it to say that we're sad and tired and it is so surreal to lose a part of the family who was with us for over eight years. I believe that he had a good life.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

For those keeping score...

...still no house sale, so still no house purchase in ABQ. It'd be fun to blame the economy, the Executive Branch, OPEC, or possibly Professor Moriarty, but I guess it just amounts to bad luck/good luck and/or a lesson in patience.

The family just returned from a scouting trip to the desert, which was very useful in terms of learning a bit about the lay of the land. In this case, the dry, barren, land. The high brown desert will, indeed, take some serious adjustment for this monkey, but I can't deny that the sunset against the mountains as we drove into town from the Sandia reservation was acutely gorgeous.